Monday 6 June 2016

Raroa on Instagram!

This photo is ready to go on Instagram and is certain to go viral!
Create a caption for it and a short paragraph that explains what happened and why?

Winners will be those with a caption that hooks everyone in, followed by a creative news story.


  1. we have destroyed the elder wand and voldemort we have brung peace to the world.

    Harry potter, Hermione granger and Ron weasly all age 17 have defeated the evil Voldemort and saved the entire wizarding world!
    for doing that they will now stand upon the grand rock of raroa, a magical land.

    on the left is harry in the middle is hermione and on the right is ron

    BY Cameron dannefaerd & Alex thomas rm 18

  2. Here at Raroa, we're taking a stand for sloppy car parking!

    The staff at Raroa intermediate (RNIS) Have gotten tired of having all the sofa space being taken up by cars. Terribly parked cars, too. They've made a carpark-changing decision; to convert the car space into yet another staffroom. Christine Brown has agreed to their proposal and has begun the transformation, with help from three other staff members. Libby Morris, the middle teacher in the image above, has agreed to tell us her thoughts on the matter.

    "It's a great idea. Nobody uses the carpark anyway due to the abnormal amount of students rolling down it; it'd be okay to demolish the place and build another. Anyway, the old staffroom's 'new' scent had worn off, so we were all less interested. That's why we chose to host our picnics in the carpark." Morris' thoughts were a little vague, maybe over-exaggerated, but since we're a newspaper, we include everything that might get us noticed.

    Principal Brown, Morris and two others (look to photo above) have created a petition already. They all encourage you to sign it at [Website name]

  3. Photo posing gone wrong!!!

    They have done it, created it, something special, not really they just posted a photo on the internet and nobody really cared about. Until now! There have been many jokes about this,many outrageous jokes about it. These three citizens in the photo above are trying to recreate that photo gone viral. But they have ended up laughing and making a fool of themselves just like old man j... wait I can't tell you who it was, it is no... help... no.. go away... whyyyy! *punching and thumping noises* Ok now this photo is really just a normal photo that has now gone so viral because of this story, which is really fake... so none of that really happened...bye, I guess.

    Aaron K, room one.

  4. We are sick of teaching students so we are going to try something more exciting with aliens!

    I am standing here with my fellow colleagues. I am standing up here in the early morning to welcome those aliens that want to come to Raroa. They start flooding in from their light speed hoverboards, which they illegally parked on a yellow line. These aliens come from a very special planet called Drurn AO8. This planet is approximately 233447146287644903 kilometers from Earth. The aliens finally got to the top of the drive after what seemed like 1 million light years. Then I gave them the heartiest welcome you have ever heard.

    By Oliver Rm2


  5. Rats at Raroa

    The only reason the teachers are standing on this rock is because everywhere they are rats. They has been rats reported everywhere at Raroa school. The mystery is where did they come from? Why are they here? Well it is believed that it has come from students not putting their rubbish in the bin. These 3 teachers are here to make sure we do. Or else.
    Monica Room 15
