Sunday 26 June 2016

Week 9 Challenge

      Image result for ears  
Listen to the video while you write!
You can also use the picture to inspire you...

Describe the world this is set in.

OR Who are the inhabitants?
OR Describe a moment in time in this place.
OR Describe an action taking place

OR Just use the music to inspire you to write what you choose.
You decide!

Remember to use:
  • Detailed descriptions
  • choose very detailed vocab to use
  • Let the reader see, hear, smell what you can!
Click on Comments below to submit your writing - remember to add your name and Room Number.


  1. This land, to put it simply, is a place of war. Alien invaders are relentlessly attacking the planet while the humans are desperately defending their new homeland to save the human race. Before the attacks begun, the planet was peaceful and plants, trees, and other natural wonders were plentiful. Now the humans survive on filtered mud and the bark of the few trees that remain. The land is in ruins and the humans know that their time is almost up.

    Room 1

  2. A war is about to happen on Earth. No time is left to defend the defenceless homeland. Armies are no use. War starts. The humans are helpless. Just then, Lush green trees and soft grass filled the planet. All turned to blackness, suddenly, dead silent.Time is up to give up their planet.

    Nyvein chung
    room 14

  3. Ears ringing, throat burning, eyes watering. Bodies littered on the pavement, their limbs twisted in unnatural directions. Everything - from bushes and benches to trees and houses, coated in a thick, mahogany-red carpet. Everyone around me are the fibers. Still and slick with blood like something in an over-exaggerated horror scene. My jacket’s soaked through and my legs feel more than broken.

    Silhouettes of what once were people dance through the streets. Rabid, seeking the liquid flowing through our veins. A cluster of the shapes lean down over a puddle, grinning at each other. Meat. They’re occupied. My hand swipes at the concrete surrounding me, locking onto a stick. I push myself up, aware of the eyes trained on my broken form. A hobble’s all I can manage with only a stick supporting my weight. Actually, it’s a cane now. And temporary. The creatures have turned towards the noise. Almost all of them, scrambling towards me with their scarred bodies. They’ve taken damage, but not as much as we have. With each hop, each skull I crush underneath my feet, I take a moment to realise how lucky I am, which is a lie. Very few of the world’s population was torn apart.

    Hands brush against my numb ankles, pushing me slightly further towards my destination. Behind me, a wave of bodies climb over one another to take a lock of my hair, a strip of the clothing I’m wearing. Is this what it’s like to be famous? People crushing each other just to touch my skin?

    The corpse carpet’s clearing a little with each excruciating step. A few metres away, people are standing on a balcony, watching the scene take place from their rooftop. A sharp turn left towards the survivors and disappearing into an alley. The wave stops and turns into acid, dissolving the house and its occupants entirely. Honestly, I’d give my life to myself - an actual survivor - than a pair of idiots stranded on top of a building without food or weapons anyday.

    Darkness takes up most of the space in the street. Houses, small two-story pastel buildings, line each side. I jerk towards my right, dodging a grey arm and push the pink door open. A familiar stench fills my nostrils but I continue hobbling towards the kitchen. Down a hallway and right. My footsteps echo throughout the street and thumping slowly joins in. Two fists. Four. I’m more than glad I locked the door.

    A loose floorboards trips me up and I catch myself after falling onto the lightswitch. The yellow glow lights up the rest of the street, causing even more shuffling.

    Two fists. Four? Well, I definitely wasn’t prepared for more.

    Pia Sutherland, room 9 :)

  4. They royally march out onto their only piece of flat land. It is the day when a new amazing queen gets crowned. The bands play their best music for the best day of the year. The new queen is… Queen Anne the frog. Then the awful frog choir kicks in, it's so horrible everyone's in a mad hurry to stuff handkerchiefs into their ears. It is still the best choir the frog town has got. Then in comes the band followed by the frog queen herself. The horrible frog music is stopping and hopefully won’t start again. Everyone starts yanking the handkerchiefs out of their ears. The queen marches up to the stage (not really a stage just some wood scaffolding). Hopefully the queen doesn't fall off the scaffolding like the last queen did. She steps up onto the wood scaffolding and this is the moment of truth of whether the boards will crack underneath her or she will get crowned….

    From Oliver rm 2

  5. As I slowly advance ahead, knowing there was no backing out. War has began. Thick fog fells the air. In the distance, I make out a tall strong man. He's not along, he is part of my army, ready for battle. The battle has started, the sound of the guns full the air. I see a person lying under, what once was a bush. Looking in his eyes, I see he scared to death. I asked if he is ok all I hear is the word ‘HELP’, I run not thinking finding a sword on the floor I take it up , and charge on.

    Waiting for the right time to fight I run like never before dodging bullets flying everywhere. I feel frightened of what is ahead, and what’s going to happen next.

    Feeling like this is the right time, I fight with the sword I found earlier. It feels good and at the same time bad. I’m surrounded by muscular strong men fighting for their lives, but all of a sudden it goes quiet everyone freezing. Realizing we won I feel the thrill of relief that I survived.

    Monica P
    Rm 15


    On a silent foggy day, just before dark fell, two air crafts dropped from the sky. As the enormous, shiny, spaceship like figure dropped towards me there were emotions lots of them rushing through me terrified, confused I thought I was going to die.

    BY Jessica T RM 14

  7. Alien invasion

    On a small island in the middle of mediterranean sea, There was war between humans and aliens, I didn’t who was going to win I was scared, petrified, confused, frightened and this was all because the aliens hated the way earth looked. Earth was green blue and had other bursts of colour in the city. Where the aliens lived there was no colour, it was just a black and white sphere in the middle of the universe. Now where I used to live has been taken over by aliens, and where the aliens used to live was now green, blue and had bursted of colour were the queen lived.

    BY Jessica T RM 14

  8. Cold. Dark. Silent.
    Hello soul. Don't worry, i won’t hurt you. I can’t. Not until you give in to me. The clouds roll slowly. See them? With a flick of my hand, they roll slower. I am strong. The valleys dark, not a single light. Not a single Voice. Not a single sound. But one. In the dark, in the cold, in the silence, your soul. Singular. Alone. Your soul is human. Not for much longer. It has been here for a while. Come to me. You will have power. The cold's getting to you. Join me. Ill end your suffering. Not moving, not speaking, not breathing. You're dead. Gone. Come to me. Cold. I've waited a thousand years for company. Alone. Then, I am joined. By you. Years will pass. You'll learn to wait.More souls will join us soon. When they arrive, we'll destroy them. And they will join us. Tied to the valley. We are part of it. The souls arrive. There are many. They want our valley. To bad. Soul's light our valley. Noise, light, warmth. Silence shattered. Glass on the floor. Gone. Watch them. Our valley, not theirs. Ours. Forever. We will take them. Do you hear that scream? I freed our valley. I won’t explain how. Easy. Simple. They're gone. Do you smell that? Smoke. Do you hear that? Nothing. Do you see that? Black. Do you taste that? The blood? You're tied to the valley now. Just like me. That poor dead soul. Forever. We can wait. Alone. Cold. Don't let it get to you. More will come. And we will be ready. We can wait.

    Holly Inglis Room 11

  9. Shaking with fear I slouch behind a large boulder that covers the vast view of what looks like an abandoned workshop out in the unforgiving wilderness. Rippled with stones, some large and pointy, others only a slight bulge but very fragile.

    Unfortunately this has been my makeshift area of sleep, there is no reason for a proper shelter in this overheated weather. I need to get my act together. A week ago it began with fun and games, just a simple bushwalk where I was surrounded by friends, but now all is lost. Mourning is all I feel as my once companions no longer brush by my side. It happened suddenly and my memory lapsed away. Every step taken, is like one with a banana peel stuck to my shoe. Lime moss covers the ground like a magic carpet in a fairytale. It’s not though.

    The plentiful food source that covers the nearby trees means never again, will hunger be something to affect any inhabitants of this land. Was this the remains of what used to be an army training ground? It looks like it, the shacks tacky but also well used. Badly scratched glass obscures the view inside. With the weather at it’s best this gives me enough time to start seeking shelter. In front of me, there is a large plane statue. It seems unappealing for an overnight stay. That was the reason for the long hold off, but by the looks of things, it will just have to do. Various trees around create a dome of shelter in some areas and a good place to sunbathe in the bare areas. The statues of men dressed in war apparel look as if they would make good mascots for something. Mind blanked, I am unable to know what.

    Scouting around on my toes like something dangerous was soon to happen, I scramble into a land rover. Holding a key, the ignition barrell holds short hope. The disappointment, nearly too great to handle. Every area I stroll through, the putrid smell of what I think is dead meat of some sort of animal is too bad to think about. The more hours that go on, the fear extends through my soul and out through my mouth. When night falls, I will have shelter. The ghosts and demons inside this earth will never go away, which sends me into panic. Every time that fireball rises and leaves my sight, more issues will be thrown at me. Face on. Eventually it will all become too much.

    Serah Wong
    Room 13

  10. A distant planet. built to surround a sun. on it were inhabitants who were happy with there tech. this planet was artificial. the trees, foliage, and rivers were artificial. Villages? artificial. The Seven moons ringing the planet? Artificial. the people? Artificial. the tech? artificial. But little did they know that a distant fleet of warships, were coming. and the artificial humans would be ready, ready to fight the coming storm...
